As Pride month comes to a close, I’m thrilled to announce that our next No, YOU Tell It! show is another team-up with Lambda Literary.
More information soon about No, YOU Tell It! “Defiant” coming in September as part of the Brooklyn Book Festival and produced in partnership with Lambda Literary and The Astoria Bookshop!
Honored to have spent the last couple of weeks with these fantastic storytellers as we worked together to developed their true-life tales inspired by the theme “Coming & Going” on the page.
No, YOU Tell It! “Coming & Going” Crew
Join us tonight at 7:30 as they trade tales and take the virtual stage to tell each other’s stories.
Listen to story swaps from our live shows on the No, YOU Tell It! podcast at (available on iTunes, AudioBoom, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts).
4 storytellers, 3 creative team members, 2 two-hour story workshops to develop the pieces on the page, 1 personalized rehearsal session with each storyteller to help them best embody their partner’s story on stage = an unforgettable evening of No, YOU Tell It! “Snapped!” stories for a PACKED house at Dixon Place.
Pictured left to right: Mike Dressel, Robb Leigh Davis, Mariam Bazeed, Erika Iverson, Kent D. Wolf, Naomi Gordon Loebl and ME. Photo credit: Ariel Mahler
Any amount is welcome and needed. Another way to help is to SPREAD THE WORD. Subscribe to the No, YOU Tell It! podcast on iTunes, AudioBoom, or Like No, You Tell It! on Facebook Folllow @NoYouTellIt on Twitter Forget us not on Insta at noyoutellit
Thank you again to our amazing audience last night and a special shout out to Lambda Literary for helping us curate this invigorating evening of Queer Storytelling with a Twist.
Happy Pride everyone!! Keep the storytelling going!
Get lit(erary) for Pride 2019 as fellows from Lambda Literary team up with my storytelling series No, YOU Tell It! for a night of queer nonfiction with a twist: Each participant develops their own true-life tale on the page and then trades scripts with a partner to present each other’s story on stage.
These four storytellers have been working with the No, YOU Tell It! creative team for the past month to turn out and trade tales inspired by the theme “Snapped!”
Mariam Bazeed, Lambda Literary Fellow
Kent D. Wolf, The Friedrich Agency
Robb Leigh Davis, Meditation on a Theme
Naomi Gordon-Loebl, Lambda Literary Fellow
Don’t miss this special night of queer story swapping coming up on June 11th at Dixon Place! Doors/Drinks at 7 pm. Stories start right at 7:30.
It’s FREE and oh have we got some stories for you…